Our Team | Department of Psychology

Our Team


Dr. Donald Dougherty, Ph.D.

Dr. Dougherty is the Chair of UNT's Psychology department. He recieved his Ph.D. from Ohio University and specializes in research around Substance Abuse.





Linda Thompson, MA

I am a third year doctoral student in the Behavioral Science Ph.D. program primarily working under the guidance of Dr. Blumenthal in the Teen St.A.R. Laboratory. I also collaborate with the TARC team. My research interests include understanding the effects of trauma, stress, sleep, and substances use motives on health outcomes. I am currently involved in other cross-collaboration research activities which includes identifying immigration-related factors associated with sleep health and researching drinking games.

Shannon Smith, BS

I graduated from UNT in May 2022 with a BS in Psychology and a minor in Drug Abuse and Addiction. I am currently working on my MS in Interdisciplinary Studies in the areas of Psychology, Rehabilitation Counseling, and Biology with a focus in neurobiology and addictive behaviors. My research interests include the use of interdisciplinary methods to assist in the creation of early intervention and prevention methods for addictive behaviors (e.g. substance use & disordered eating) in at risk groups. I am particularly interested in harm reduction approaches. I also work under the direction of Dr. Blumenthal as a research assistant in the Teen St.A.R Laboratory. In fall 2024 I will be starting my Ph.D. in Public Health at UNTHSC!

Julie Martin, BA

I am currently interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Clinical Psycholgy. My current reserach interests are in stress and trauma in relation to cognitive and behavioral development. I am hoping to one day work with adolescents and young adults in a clincal setting and expand research on CPTSD and PTSD.

Jordan Hooks, BS

I am currently working as a post-bacc in the lab. I plan on pursuing a Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling or Social Work. My current research interests include stress, depression, and coping mechanisms on health outcomes, and mental health care disparities in minority and rural populations.

Shannon Doyle, BS

I am a post-baccalaureate preparing for graduate school in Clinical or Counseling Psychology. I'm exploring career paths in both clinical practice, working with either LGBTQ+ youth or individuals with psychotic disorders, and in research. My current research interests include psychosis, mood disorders, and neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD.

Ruston Whitus

I'm a sophomore currently working towards my B.S in Psychology. My research interest includes addictive behavior, risk assessment, and eyewitness validity. My future goals are to attend graduate school and get my PhD in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in forensics.


Alexis Chaney, BA

BA Music & BA Psychology, Minor in German. View her website for more information here!

Alex Baker

I graduated from the University of North Texas with a B.A. in psychology. I am interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in a clinical psychology program with an emphasis on child and adolescent development. My research interests include exploring protective and risk factors for adverse youth outcomes and delineating efficacious preventative interventions for underserved populations.

Reagan Dickson

I graduated from East Texas Baptist University in 2020 with a B.S. in biology and a minor in chemistry. Now I teach high school science and am working on a M.S. in School Counseling at UNT. When I finish my masters I plan to pursue a PhD in Counseling Psychology. My research interests center around advocacy and include gender, human sexuality, and LGBTQ+ issues among young adults.

Madison Kanneman

I will graduate from UNT with a B.S. in Psychology and a B.A. in English this winter. I love both my majors, so I'm a little torn between choosing one field. After I graduate I hope to pursue either a Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling or a MFA in Creative Writing. My research interests lie in intergenerational trauma, childhood maltreatment and outcomes, and personality disorders.