The UNT Association of Black Psychologists Student Circle Chapter (TUNT ABPsi SCC)


To provide opportunities for students of African descent to discover and engage their strengths within the field of psychology, facilitate meaningful community involvement and engagement via outreach, and to promote as well as support the social, academic, and career development needs of students who identify as Black (or of African descent) interested in professional careers in psychological sciences.

Organization Development & Aims

Though the department of psychology has demonstrated an increase in exceptionally qualified BIPOC student admissions and faculty hires, it was noted that Black students, specifically, grappled with the lack of representation, mentorship, and cultural familiarity in their academic pursuits and professional development experiences. Founded in the spring of 2021, the aim of TUNT ABPsi was to establish a growing network of colleagues at various phases in their careers (e.g., students, interns, post-docs, early career psychologists, established psychologists) that may provide information, support, guidance, and mentorship to students who identify as Black or of African descent interested in pursuing careers in psychology while also providing education, and promoting psychology in Black communities of north Texas. Of note, the objectives of this organization closely align with its national organization (Association of Black Psychologists

Ultimately, the goal, individually and collectively, is to embody Jegna (Jegnoch - plural form), a term introduced by Dr. Wade Nobles to represent individuals who:

  • have been tested in struggle or battle;
  • demonstrated extraordinary and unusual fearlessness;
  • shown determination and courage in protecting h/er people, land and culture;
  • shown diligence and dedication to our people;
  • produced exceptionally high quality work;
  • dedicated themselves to the protection, defense, nurturance and development of our young by advancing our people, place and culture

*information pulled directly from Dr. Nobles' site, linked above

2021-2022 Officers

President: Princess Braggs (

Vice President: Bridgette Carroll (

Community Service Organizer: Andrea Ortiz (

Social Media Coordinator: open

*TUNT ABPsi Student Circle Chapter is an equal opportunity organization. We celebrate diversity and welcome any individual who is interested in learning about the Black community as well as those looking to contribute to improving equity in advanced academic/professional opportunities and increasing Black representation in psychology

**The national organization, ABPsi, is in receipt of our formal letter of interest/intent and application; status pending