Research Team and Lab News | Department of Psychology

Research Team and Lab News


Stephanie Agtarap

Ivan Carbajal

Sabrina Blackledge

Christopher Mylnski

Eric Schuler


1. Welcoming our new lab member, first-year Behavioral Science student Ivan Carabajal this Fall!

2. Fourth-year Stephanie Agtarap just recently defended her thesis, "Determinants of Effort and Associated Cardiovascular Response to a Behavioral Restraint Challenge" this past July. Yes!

3. Second-year Christopher Mlynski and third-year Sabrina Blackledge traveled to Columbus, OH this past June to receive training in the determinants and assessment of heart rate variability (HRV) with Mindware Technologies.

4. Second-year Christopher Mlynski presented the poster below at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, held in conjunction with the annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science this May.

Mylnski, C., Agtarap, S., Juan Rojas & Wright, R. A. (2015). Mental sharpness and fatigue correlates of cardiovascular response to a simple memory challenge. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, New York, NY.

5. New oral presentations and publications from the lab (below) - with more on the way!


Wright, R. A. & Agtarap, S. D. (2014, May). Multifaceted effects of fatigue on self-regulatory striving: Noteworthy lessons from motivation intensity theory. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.

Wright, R. A. & Agtarap, S. D. (2014, July). Fatigue influence on self-regulatory restraint: A motivation intensity theory perspective. Presented at the annual meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Wright, R. A. & Agtarap, S. (2015). The intensity of behavioral restraint: Determinants and cardiovascular correlates. Chapter in G. H. E. Gendolla, S. Koole, & Tops, M. (Eds.), Biobehavioral foundations of self-regulation. New York: Springer.

Wright, R. A., *Agtarap, S. & *Mlynski, C. (2015). Conversion of reactance motives into effortful goal pursuit: Implications of Brehm's theory of motivation intensity. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, in press.
