Grant Funding | Department of Psychology

Grant Funding

Major Grants Funded (Selected Sample)

2015. Niemann, Yolanda Flores. Tokenism and its Consequences in Higher Education. Scholarly and Creative Activity Award (AD Hoc), UNT Division of Research and Economic Development. $5,000.00

2012. Niemann, Yolanda Flores, and Packenham, Eric, Co-Principal Investigator (co -P.I.), Seven-year grant entitled STARS (Science, Technology, Arithmetic, Reading, Science GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs), United States Department of Education. Funded in March, 2012. $15, 466,000

2006. Niemann, Yolanda Flores, and Morales, Genoveva Ledesma, Co-Principal Investigator (co -P.I.), Five-year grant; One Vision Partnership GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs), awarded by the United States Department of Education. To continue my ACE Fellowship, after initial award set-up, I granted principal investigator responsibilities to co-PI and grant director, Ms. Ledesma, whom I hired to direct my first GEAR UP grant project. $11,894,400

2004. Niemann, Y.F. Assessing Diversity Curriculum and Activities to Effect Individual and Institutional Transformation and Critical Consciousness. Grant written in collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning, awarded to the department of Comparative Ethnic Studies by the Washington State University Undergraduate Teaching and Learning. Improvement Initiative program. $17,600

2002. Niemann, Y.F. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs; Washington State University Harvest of Hope GEAR UP. United States Department of Education, five-year grant. $14,000,0000